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indústria química

Is an innovative company, created under a structure of highly capacitated people coming from federal and international universities. Avid for research, these people invest constantly in innovation and international cooperation.

Founded with the will of bringing innovation to the Brazilian market

It is concerned with the use of non-toxic ecological sediments, able to unite the human being and the environment itself, reevaluating the products shelf life and changing them into mission and purpose.

Among lots of actuating areas, automobile industry is the success key to Peregrino, allying men and machine in an ecologically sustainable planet, not forgetting performance and its customers protection.

With an office in São Paulo, the heart of Brazilian business, it develops all the commercial managing work and leads the national and international markets. Its industry, in Itapuí, São Paulo State, is projected to receive a great amount of investment in the next four years coming from local and international partners and investors.


That is why our mission is innovative clarity where there is no hope and capacity of producing better products that really bring problem solving capacity to people and the environment.


Our mission is to conquer a place amongst the top ten companies in chemicals automobile industry in the Midwest São Paulo state until 2030.


Sure, that our job is true with materials coming from national and international markets, we are certificated to guarantee full credibility once our products are tested at the highest levels of Brazilian and international legislation.

PEREGRINO is the path to your company fulfill what it really needs.

Visions and Ideas

PEREGRINO was founded with a vision to actuate in three countries, once one of the biggest automotive market in the world is here, in Brazil. The structure is made of Brazilian people with international experience. 

The longings are different:

  • In Brazil – Industrialize the products to all Latin America, distributing in a strategical way.
  • In Germany – Research and technology area, inspiration to the company’s problem solving.
  • In Portugal – Access to investors. 

That is PREREGRINO’s configuration, bringing the highest technology patterns to all Latin America.

The projection is to reach bigger results with products exploration that once was not accessible and/or had low technology. As they are sustainable, the growth projection is developed with genuine partners to distribute the products in Brazil and overseas. Be a PREGRINO partner.

Market in perspective

The company will strongly act in several markets, specially in two greatest investments:

Automotive and solid wastes.

The Brazilian automotive industry is the 90th in numbers of car producing all around the world. It corresponds to 22% of the national GDP and since the fifties Brazil became a great industrial site due to the Brazilian automotive industry. Nowadays it ranks the sixth position when it comes to car selling, according to the “Portal Terra”.

There are more than 30 brands actuating in the country, being 5,592 car dealers according to Federal Government data in 2017, and 590 aftermarket car industries, which means, companies that produce parts to the manufacturers and reposition market. Considering that the country has a big growth capacity when it comes to gross income and industrialization, the consumption and innovation will become even bigger in short term. Those are reasons to PEREGRINO’s arrival.

Talking about its geographical and populational dimensions, the market of reusing wastes calls our attention. Brazil still recycles a low amount of its wasting production but shows great examples of intention to. The waste market is one of the reasons in which the company decided to bet in the country. Only 4% of the Brazilian wastes are recycled, losing R$ 14 billion every year according to ABRELP (Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Limpeza Pública e Resíduos Especiais), shared at CNN Brasil. Wasted plastics represent 6 million tons, followed by paper and cardboards which represents 6 million tons.

Supporting great markets to be more technological and cleaner is one of the goal about being in Brazil and invest highly in the upcoming years.

The Latin-Americans

Headquartered in Brazil, with local consultants and researchers partners, the team is built by people with high Latin-American market experience, with background degree and experience in Brazil, Colombia and the USA. 

They are researchers at areas like oil (petroleum), polymers, electricity, industrial chemical and supply chain management. Professionals graduated in great universities and institutes like FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil), UFSCar (universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil), Ohio University, University of California – Irvine, University of Tennessee, beyond other with great international market impact.

This plurality in Knowledge expands the innovation and research capacity in the acting areas of PEREGRINO.

In Latin America PEREGRINO is already acting in Brazil. Places like Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay the company will act until 2030, strengthening local partnerships and international goals. 


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